When it comes to your branding, you’re picky — and you should be.
You want it to look a certain way, and you want to make sure the process of achieving that look is done professionally so it will last for years to come. Maybe you’ve considered having your vehicle repainted, but there’s a problem — repainting can take a great deal of time and cost a great deal of money. That’s why more people than ever before are opting for vinyl wraps, window decals, and perforated window wraps.
First, let’s talk about vinyl window wrapping.
With this process, a thin film of vinyl is installed on the body of your vehicle or building windows. The vinyl wrap is strong enough to protect your vehicle’s paint from rocks and other debris on the road, and it can be customized with a wide variety of colors and designs to show off your business just the right way. Along with vinyl vehicle wrapping comes perforated window wraps and window decals, where a design or message can be applied to your windows. These window decals are designed to appear solid from the outside, but they are transparent on the inside so that your eyesight is never compromised during driving.
So what’s the catch? Vehicle wrapping and window decals need to be installed very precisely. At Evolve Graphic Solutions, we’ve been doing precisely that for more than five years.